Control IT costs! Yes, we recommend this!

Microsoft 365 can be your one stop shop for all your small business IT needs. From email, cloud storage, popular apps, access anywhere and various plans to meet your business needs! Please contact Lowe IT Services to find out how you can maximize productivity and collaboration, control your costs and have peace of mind with

Scam Protection: 3 points to remember!

Lowe IT Services wants to help protect you from scammers that attempt to impersonate vendors. Remember these 3 important points so that you can identify scams and keep your account and information safe: Never feel pressured to give information (such as your credit card number or account password) over the phone, especially if the call

Purchasing, your money!

What is your need? How much am I willing to spend? Let Lowe IT Services help you with cloud, hardware and software purchases. Lowe IT Services is NOT a reseller. With >33 years experience, we only recommend what we would buy and use.

Passwords, document them!

Having passwords documented and stored in one place saves time and energy. The simplest way to remember and keep passwords is via a spreadsheet. An Excel file can be secured with a password (it doesn’t allow anyone to open the file without the password). Another option and tool is a password manager app, many are

Phishing, don’t get caught!

One of our responsibilities is to keep our clients informed of best practices and systems that benefit and protect their business. Please see below:    Phishing is the process of trying to gain access to sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and other personal identifiers by pretending to be a credible entity. Phishing is usually done